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kibaoni school update

As part of our Kilimanjaro Challenge we supported Kobaoni Primary School which is a local school nestling in the foothills of Kilimanjaro. The school has been entirely built on the basis of charitable donations and we were initially aiming to supply text books to the school.


However following a visit to the school on the 14th July (the visit to the school) by four representatives of the Shirenewton Charity Challenge,  it transired that they had been proimised text books from another source and that the best way to support the school was to give them desks for the new classroom.


Those desks were delivered in early December 2010 and here is the proof!


click on the photo to get a bigger image in a new window


The desks arriving at the school


Desks outside the school with Headmaster and Teachers


Desks with Kids


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